Time Management and Communication Challenges in Small Businesses Solved

Most small business owners have a common major constraint in managing their businesses effectively. They want to be free from day to day operations, decision making, coordination, tracking task completions etc. to devote time for developmental activities. However, they hardly get a chance to address anything but the 'Urgent' category tasks. But why?

We all understand and want to be accountable for the tasks that are assigned to us and want others also to be accountable for the tasks that we assign to them. In a typical work environment in any business, on a normal day, we plan several actions besides the regular operations related ones, e.g. customer asking for a special visit, purchase officer responding to an interesting vendor presentation that needs owner's intervention, a change in process suggested by an operator, an urgent analysis report request from the bank, sales report analysis that predicts change in consumption in certain products, and so on. How does one handle these works / actions? Most of the time one would keep note of the action and either assign it to someone or oneself. These actions require involvement of time and other resources, which in turn may require involvement of others. Which means more communication and coordination requirements. But who is responsible for the primary action? The one who assigned it. But does that person get adequate update or have the means to follow up systematically without dropping the link? And continue the chain of events to take the efforts to fruition? This is where, most owner-managers or even many corporate bosses get lost. With the continual inflow of new actions everyday, the pressure to complete the to do list, update it and communicate it becomes humanly unmanageable. So many actions do not ever get completed and many get unusually delayed due to the lack of necessary support or follow ups.

It need not be like this anymore! Karma Axis is here! Its a tool that can guide us adopt a management approach we had known for ages. It helps us assign the tasks, communicate with the assignee and receive updates from the assignee without the need for meeting the assignee in person or talking to the person on phone. It allows many other features that facilitate communication with seniors, peers or juniors as may be required. The platform helps us take action and keep note as we go, all at one place and ready to be retrieved in the manner we would desire. It not only saves all the time and energy in follow ups but also offers analytics that help us institute other corrective and preventive actions.

Its not before long that the Time Management woes of SME business owners are going to be a thing of the past!


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